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PAZ AMOR HAVANESE (Peace Love Havanese) are the sweetest cutest and best tempered havanese anywhere. Raising pups is a huge responsibility that I do not take lightly. These amazing dogs will live with you for many years to come. Providing the best quality puppy for health, temperament & cuteness is what I strive to do.
Paz Amor Havanese dogs are regularly in the AKC show ring, assuring puppy buyers of a beautiful puppy with a great temperament. It assures diversity in look and brings good genetics to our lines. We do the required health testing and more on our breeding adults.
As a potential puppy owner, it is essential to do your due diligence when searching for the right breeder. Your puppy will be a part of your family for many years to come. I advise you to read the breeder section before considering one of my pups. Get to know me as I will want to know a bit about you too. Your commitment to a puppy from me is a commitment to me as a breeder. I ask that you make your decision with much thought and consideration.
As a show breeder I strive to improve and complement the havanese breed, always trying to create that perfect dog. If you think you might be ready to take the havanese puppy plunge, check the Puppies page on this website for status of new litters. For info on retiring adults, rescues and any other special situations that cross our path, join our Newsletter (link above) for those announcements. As calls are plentiful please use email or text for your initial contact. I will always respond.
Enjoy our moment on Animal Planet and see some of our beautiful pups and a small piece of where we live.

Our dogs and puppies were chosen to represent the Havanese breed for the Animal Planet series “Too Cute Puppies” We are proud to have been their breeder of choice.
Take a look at this small clip. Too Cute!